The birth of LEDOGA is the result of a project that comes in to life in April 2008 but that has been duly and properly developed over the last few years.
S.O.D.A. Industriale excellent products were already well known, over the last few decades, to many Italians and foreign tanners, but also amongst industries active in different fields such as oils money printing machines, concrete production
etc (…)
After some years in which S.O.D.A. came across to a languish period along the whole Italian leather industry, the following acquisition of S.O.D.A. by the most important Italian industrial Group involved in the production of chemicals for the leather industry, brought S.O.D.A.
to become a division of this Group and consequently to a period of renaissance.
Under the wise hand of its top management over the last 5 years S.O.D.A., in collaboration with other well known key players in the industry for the production of chemicals for leather, has been able to attract the interest of new and valuable clients thanks to the widened range of products to be offered to the market.
As a matter of fact LEDOGA is now able to supply the entire range of chemicals used in wet-end processing, such as: